Your healing starts here

Myofascial Therapy and Massage, Myofascial Yoga, and Wellness Coaching inside an Inspiring Space.


Hi, I’m Kelley! Welcome to Ardea. Here, my approach to healing is to honor the unique experiences of every person. At Ardea, we believe healing is a creative process of self-discovery and embodiment. A personalized treatment is created for each and every client using a combination of Myofascial Release Therapy, Yoga, Massage, and Embodiment practices such as breath work, functional movement exercises, and meditation.

My approach with these treatments is to increase awareness of restrictions and compensation patterns in the body, relieve pain, decrease stress, and inspire a sense of balance and inner harmony. I’ll help you to get into your body, identify what emerges and bring a newfound awareness to make space for healing and transformation.

Myofascial Therapy Benefits

Acute and chronic pain relief

Increased flexibility and range of motion

Anxiety and trauma

Pain management

Nervous system regulation

“It’s like Kelley is having a conversation with my body. ”



Get started today.

Meet your therapist

Kelley J. McLaughlin, LMT ardea - 213.jpg